სამეჯლისო ცეკვა

საგამოცდო ვიდეო მასალა

თანამედროვე და სამეჯლისო ცეკვა

Cha cha
  1. closed basic Movement
  2. Open basic movement
  3. Stop turn
  4. Time step
  5. Stop turn
  6. Under Turn
  7. New York
  8. Check from OCPP , check from OPP
  9. Hand to han
  10. Fun, Alemana, Hokey stick
  11. Three Cha Cha 



1.       Revers basic step

2.       Rhythm Bounce/ Bounce Step

3 Whisks and lady is Turning on the Spot

Samba Walk and side Samba Walk

Sriss Sross Boto Fogo

4 traveling Volta

Spot Volta qith Bounce Step

Basic Step with Rotation

Reverse Turn

Whisk with Turn for Lady

Shadow Position

One Slow Volta 2 Quick Volta

Boto Fogo inShadow Position

Progressive Basic step

3.    Walks Promenade and Side
4.    Basic , Wisk, Promenade sSamba Walks, Botofogo, Volta, Stationary SambaWalks
5.      Revers Turn
6.      Botofogos (Forward, PP to CPP, Shadow
7.      Outside basic
8.      Samba Locks (in PP or CPP) Cruzado Samba Walks and locks


